100 Mile House |
Thompson Rivers University |
250-395-3115 |
csinfo@tru.ca |
https://www.tru.ca/regionalcentres/100mh.html |
Abbotsford |
University of the Fraser Valley |
604-557-4006 |
assessinfo@ufv.ca |
https://www.ufv.ca/assessment/book-an-exam/ |
Ashcroft |
Thompson Rivers University |
250-256-4296 |
kjolly@tru.ca |
https://www.tru.ca/regionalcentres/ashcroft-and-cache-creek.html |
Barriere |
Thompson Rivers University |
250-672-9875 |
csinfo@tru.ca |
https://www.tru.ca/regionalcentres/barriere.html |
Burnaby |
604-456-1186 |
bbytestctr@bcit.ca |
https://www.bcit.ca/test-centre/non-bcit-inpiduals/ |
Lake |
The College of New Caledonia |
250-692-1700 |
asc@cnc.bc.ca |
https://cnc.bc.ca/services/prince-george/academic-success-centre/testing-services |
Campbell River |
North Island College |
(250) 334-5014 |
assessmentcr@nic.bc.ca |
https://www.nic.bc.ca/admissions/assessment-services/ |
Castlegar |
Selkirk College |
(250) 365-7292 |
exams@selkirk.ca |
https://selkirk.ca/student-life-support/student-supports/assessment-services/external-exam-services |
Chase |
Thompson Rivers University |
250-679-7699 |
csinfo@tru.ca |
https://www.tru.ca/regionalcentres/barriere.html |
Chetwynd |
Northern Lights College |
250–782–5251 |
invigilation@nlc.bc.ca |
https://www.nlc.bc.ca/student-services-hub/ |
Clearwater |
Thompson Rivers University |
250-828-5106 |
csinfo@tru.ca |
https://www.tru.ca/regionalcentres/clearwater.html |
Coquitlam |
Douglas College |
604 527 5400 |
assessment@douglascollege.ca |
https://www.douglascollege.ca/future-students/admission-information/assessment-testing/assessment-testing-information/other |
Courtenay |
North Island College |
(250) 334-5014 |
assessmentcvc@nic.bc.ca |
https://www.nic.bc.ca/admissions/assessment-services/ |
Cranbrook |
College of the Rockies |
250-489-2751 x3360 |
exam@cotr.bc.ca |
https://cotr.bc.ca/student-services/learning-support/exam-invigilation/ |
Creston |
College of the Rockies |
250-489-2751 x3360 |
exam@cotr.bc.ca |
https://cotr.bc.ca/student-services/learning-support/exam-invigilation/ |
Dawson Creek |
Northern Lights College |
250–782–5251 |
invigilation@nlc.bc.ca |
https://www.nlc.bc.ca/student-services-hub/ |
Duncan |
Island University |
250-746-3509 |
AssessmentsCowichan@viu.ca |
https://services.viu.ca/assessments |
Fernie |
College of the Rockies |
250-489-2751 x3360 |
exam@cotr.bc.ca |
https://cotr.bc.ca/student-services/learning-support/exam-invigilation/ |
Nelson |
Lights College |
250–782–5251 |
invigilation@nlc.bc.ca |
https://www.nlc.bc.ca/student-services-hub/ |
Fort st John |
University of Northern British Columbia |
1-800-697-7388 |
asc@unbc.ca |
https://www.unbc.ca/academic-success-centre/external-exams |
Fort St. James |
College of New Caledonia |
250-906-7019 |
asc@cnc.bc.ca |
https://cnc.bc.ca/services/prince-george/academic-success-centre/testing-services |
Fort St. John |
Northern Lights College |
250–782–5251 |
invigilation@nlc.bc.ca |
https://www.nlc.bc.ca/student-services-hub/ |
Golden |
of the Rockies |
250-489-2751 x3360 |
exam@cotr.bc.ca |
https://cotr.bc.ca/student-services/learning-support/exam-invigilation/ |
Hope |
University of the Fraser Valley |
(604) 869-9991 |
bob.aitken@ufv.ca |
https://www.ufv.ca/assessment/book-an-exam/ |
Invermere |
of the Rockies |
250-489-2751 x3360 |
exam@cotr.bc.ca |
https://cotr.bc.ca/student-services/learning-support/exam-invigilation/ |
Kamloops |
Thompson Rivers University |
250-828-5000 |
exams@tru.ca |
https://www.tru.ca/distance/services/exams/examscin.html |
| | | |
Kelowna |
Okanagan College |
250-862-5480 |
kelownatesting@okanagan.bc.ca |
https://www.okanagan.bc.ca/kelowna-testing-centre |
Langley |
Polytechnic University |
604.599.2332 |
langleytesting@kpu.ca |
https://www.kpu.ca/testing/distance-exams |
Lillooet |
Thompson Rivers University |
250-256-4296 |
kjolly@tru.ca |
https://www.tru.ca/regionalcentres/lillooet.html |
Mackenzie |
The College of New Caledonia |
250-997-7200 |
asc@cnc.bc.ca |
https://cnc.bc.ca/services/prince-george/academic-success-centre/testing-services |
Nanaimo |
Vancouver Island University |
250-740-6276 |
assessments@viu.ca |
https://canada.registerblast.com/viu/Exam/List |
Nelson |
College |
250-352-6601 |
exams@selkirk.ca |
https://selkirk.ca/student-life-support/student-supports/assessment-services/external-exam-services |
Penticton |
Okanagan College |
250-862-5481 |
PentictonExams@okanagan.bc.ca |
https://www.okanagan.bc.ca/kelowna-testing-centre |
Port Alberni |
North Island College |
334-5014 |
assessmentpa@nic.bc.ca |
https://www.nic.bc.ca/admissions/assessment-services/ |
Powell River |
Vancouver Island University |
604-485-2878 |
ExamsPR@viu.ca |
https://services.viu.ca/assessments |
Prince George |
The College of New Caledonia |
(250) 561-5837 |
asc@cnc.bc.ca |
https://cnc.bc.ca/services/prince-george/academic-success-centre/testing-services |
Prince George |
University of Northern British Columbia |
250-960-6367 |
asc@unbc.ca |
https://www.unbc.ca/academic-success-centre/external-exams |
Prince Rupert |
University of Northern British Columbia |
1-800-697-7386 |
asc@unbc.ca |
https://www.unbc.ca/academic-success-centre/external-exams |
Quesnel |
The College of New Caledonia |
250-991-7500 |
asc@cnc.bc.ca |
https://cnc.bc.ca/services/prince-george/academic-success-centre/testing-services |
Quesnel |
University of Northern British Columbia |
1-800-697-7387 |
asc@unbc.ca |
https://www.unbc.ca/academic-success-centre/external-exams |
Richmond |
Kwantlen Polytechnic University |
604.598.8823 |
richmondtesting@kpu.ca |
https://www.kpu.ca/testing/distance-exams |
Salmon Arm |
Okanagan College |
250-862-5482 |
SalmonArmExams@okanagan.bc.ca |
https://www.okanagan.bc.ca/kelowna-testing-centre |
Surrey |
Kwantlen Polytechnic University |
604.598.5277 |
civictesting@kpu.ca |
https://www.kpu.ca/testing/distance-exams |
Terrace |
University of Northern British Columbia |
1-800-697-7385 |
asc@unbc.ca |
https://www.unbc.ca/academic-success-centre/external-exams |
Tumbler Ridge |
Northern Lights College |
250–782–5251 |
invigilation@nlc.bc.ca |
https://www.nlc.bc.ca/student-services-hub/ |
Vancouver |
Ashton Testing Services |
(604) 628-5783 |
testcentre@ashtontesting.ca |
https://ashtontesting.ca/proctored-testing/ |
Vancouver |
604-412-7500 |
dtctestctr@bcit.ca |
https://www.bcit.ca/test-centre/non-bcit-inpiduals/ |
Vanderhoof |
The College of New Caledonia |
250-567-3200 |
asc@cnc.bc.ca |
https://cnc.bc.ca/services/prince-george/academic-success-centre/testing-services |
Vernon |
Okanagan College |
250-862-5483 |
VernonTesting@okanagan.bc.ca |
Victoria |
Camosun College |
250-370-3597 |
assessment@camosun.ca |
https://camosun.ca/assessment/additional-testing-services |
Williams Lake |
Thompson Rivers University |
250-392-8030 |
williamslake@tru.ca |
https://www.tru.ca/williamslake/registration/assess.html |